Striving to begin enrollment in 2026

About Us

Believe and achieve! Energy flows where attention goes.

Academy of Universal Metaphysics (AUM) is a nonprofit spiritual-based private academy that offers K-12 holistic education that upholds three essential core values: academic applications, metaphysics discoveries, and community service collaborations. AUM partners with the Las Vegas, Nevada, community and its families to provide a personable learning environment that encourages individualized instruction for all students through competency-based and multiage cooperative learning models. Ones that center socio-emotional development through metaphysical introspection in order to empower our youth of today and the generations to come.

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Our Curriculum
AUM is organized and operated exclusively for…
Community Service Collaborations

AUM provides community service projects for our 1) students to create and participate and 2) community to create and participate. AUM is an academy that also acts as a community center.

Educational and Spiritual Advancement

AUM is a live example of education and spirituality advancing in tandem! Our unique K-12 academic curriculum integrates metaphysics teachings and practices to provide a holistic education that nurtures healthy, happy, and productive human beings.

Scientific Advancement

AUM offers Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) education with emphasis on quantum physics—a domain of science where our known realities begin to reveal characteristics of the unknown—the metaphysical realities.

Live Donation

How Can You Help?

AUM strives to be in operation by the academic year 2026-2027; tentatively Kindergarten class(es) its first year, then others grade levels up to 12th grade over six years. Your current gifts will go toward initial academy operation and establishment costs that are in alignment with the Nevada Department of Education Private School Licensure. Your continuing gifts will determine AUM’s momentum to fully reach its ultimate goal: to have its own eco-friendly beautiful campus in Northwest Las Vegas Valley one day.

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Why students thrive at AUM

Academy of Universal Metaphysics may start at a smaller capacity but strives to have its own state-of-the-art campus that will effectively serve its mission at its optimal potential one day. With contributions made from those who believe and support our mission, AUM campus will include: a planetarium, a garden, a library, a fitness facility (including mini-golf course), an outdoor theater and an indoor theaters with music studios, a church building, a cafe-restaurant style kitchen, and an animal sanctuary for rescue animals and horse therapy. Stay tuned for campus layout and design concept visuals.

While these structures are being constructed, AUM’s curriculum takes or brings its students to these experiences, no matter its capacity. For example, if AUM animal sanctuary isn’t in operation yet, then we’ll volunteer our time at a local animal sanctuary or shelter and learn about how to care for animals. If our garden isn’t in operation yet, we’ll create a small one and visit our local farms to learn about produce harvesting. And if our planetarium isn’t in operation yet, then we’ll visit one at our community college and experience being amongst the stars. Our students are not stuck in a classroom, we go places! Sky’s the limit! Join us in creating infinite possibilities with AUM.