about us

Kindergarten enrollment in 2026

About Us

Energy flows where attention goes.

Believe and achieve!

The Academy of Universal Metaphysics is a spiritual-based academy that offers K-12 holistic education and beyond. We upholds three essential core values: Academic applications, Metaphysics discoveries, and Community service collaborations.

Our Mission

Academy of Universal Metaphysics provides a holistic education that empowers educators and learners to believe in their infinite possibilities to create a more compassionate world; through academic applications, metaphysical discoveries, and community service collaborations.

Our Vision

Academy of Universal Metaphysics strives to be the world’s best example of how holistic education transforms mind, body, heart, and spirit to create an empowered world of peace.

The Academy of Universal Metaphysics offers holistic curriculum and approaches to learning. We believe purpose-driven holistic approaches to education opens doors to infinite opportunities. Our K-12 programs meet the Nevada State academic standards. We offer STEM, Arts, Humanities, Music, Nutrition, Health & Fitness courses. Including culinary skills that will cultivate from our academy’s garden to feed our learners and educators, once it’s established. Study of commerce and financial literacy are offered to all of our learners.

Academy of Universal Metaphysics offers a purpose-driven curriculum of metaphysics as our spiritual framework that is carefully tailored to AUM’s multi-grade level groupings. This is where socio-emotional development of learners is nurtured. This curriculum is created by passionate educators and spiritual teachers who recognize the importance of metaphysics such as the universal laws that govern beyond the physical or the tangible. The Law of Attraction is one known to many already.

Our learners will develop effective communication skills, compassionate hearts, and life wisdom. Their intuitive abilities and clear consciousness will help them discern how best to navigate life’s challenges with intelligence all while maintaining healthy relationships with themselves, others, and the world around them.

Academy of Universal Metaphysics believes in the universal law of circulation. We instill pride, respect, and sense of responsibilities within our learners through many methods. One being giving back to our community. Working together for a greater cause allows us to find purpose, humility, and appreciation for life itself. Our academy achieves this by embracing wisdom from our seniors through multi-generational programs and through charitable community service initiatives and projects. Community service is the heart of AUM’s kinesthetic, hands-on project-based, education. This method increases healthy and productive learners-to-learners, learners-to-educators, and learners-to-community engagements.


“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.”


“The kingdom of God is within you.”


“Happiness is a state of mind, that has nothing to do with the external world.”

Why Choose Us

In order to create a more compassionate world…

The Academy of Universal Metaphysics embraces spiritual teachings. We explore variety of ways to improve relationships with ourselves through deepening our connection with the divine source energy (God). Our spiritual and metaphysical (beyond the physical reality) teachings and practices do not discriminate or criticize any aspect of faith or religion that encourages self healing, cultivation, and service to others. For a more compassionate world, we embrace courage, empathy, creativity, and joy that comes from being a part of a higher power and purpose.

AUM openly speaks, teaches, and practices the art of prayer, meditation, yoga/Tai Chi, mindfulness, and Reiki, to name a few, on a daily basis. Universal laws such as the Law of Attraction, Law of Gratitude, and the Law of Universal Oneness are taught to elevate our consciousness to better understand, respect, and accept ourselves and the interconnectedness with others and our world. At AUM we create opportunities for our students to discover God’s presence from within themselves.


What the Las Vegas Community is Saying

I’d like to send my children to a private school like AUM. I believe they will feel safe and happy and learn so much more with attention to holistic education of mind, heart, and spirit.

Christine G.R.


An academy that helps develop more compassionate and respectful human beings? Yes Please!

Shenon M.

Airman/Nursing Student

We have many young people who seem to have a hard time communicating; they lack confidence in self-advocacy. Most are very smart, but their application of knowledge and skills are definitely lacking. AUM focuses on relevant and practical life skills for young people to thrive.

Francisco M.

Community Liaison