Terminologies of AUM


Study of scholarly subjects commonly offered by the majority of educational institutions in the nation.


Technique of reciting mantras or phrases that uplift one’s spirit, mood, and inner monologue. A way to tap into personal sovereignty to set the tone for the day or intended duration.


Greeting of love, awareness, acknowledgement, and honor of another’s breath of life; God’s existence—life force within a person.


And so it is. A command and acknowledgement of one’s commitment to the reality that a learner is manifesting or supporting.


Capacity to observe and be empathetic of one’s mind and heart. Takes the time to consider multiple perspectives, especially those that they might not agree with, before responding or taking actions.


One’s awareness of internal and external existence. Awareness of one’s surroundings and interconnectedness of their existence pertaining to the whole universe.


Scope and sequence of courses to study, defined by targeted objectives with measurable outcomes.


Opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of one subject. Ex. Yin and Yang or Masculine and Feminine.


Divine connection to God. One’s personal relationship with God. A spiritual conviction.


When one engages in the state of inspiration; when time feels the most relative.


Universal One, Wholeness, Divine, Creator of all existence, Source Energy, Life Intelligence, Higher Power, Love, Quantum Hologram etc.

Gurus and Spiritual Teachers

These are people of the present and of the past who shed light on Life Wisdom. Ex. Jesus Christ, Bubbah, Martin Luther King Jr., Sadhguru etc.

Holistic Education

Incorporation of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical pillars into oneself.

Infinite Possibilities

Boundless creative spectrum within the human collective mind.


When one is actively engaging or remembering the values and purpose of truth drawn from within; or when one is captivated by the flow!


Conscious thoughts and feelings that are about to engage in work, effort, or process of transforming into action or reality.


One’s understanding, awareness, and responsibility of cause and effect to his or her surroundings. That one’s existence and their every action, no matter how small or big, always has a ripple effect to the whole.


The sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.

Life Wisdom

Knowledge of contingent facts driven from the balance of action and reflection that are useful to living well, proven by human experiences across the world throughout history.


Process of thoughts becoming vision, and vision becoming reality. Transformation of metaphysical to physical/more tangible reality for human experiences.


Brain waves at a theta state created by technique practice to quiet or silence the mind. This is to reach clarity or to gain inner insights. It is a way to eliminate mental noise and distractions in order to focus on God’s presence or life force energy of the given moment.


Energies beyond the physical reality. Phenomena or existence that are often not detected by our physical senses. It is the supernatural or spiritual realities.


Greetings of respect, acknowledgement, and appreciation to honor a person. It is the acknowledgement of the person’s spiritual soul in God’s image, derived from two key Sanskrit words: Namah: bow, adoration, salutation. Te: to you, the One.

New Thought

A system of belief that celebrates the Universal Spirituality, honoring every being as a sacred expression of Oneness.


Method and practice of teaching or the art of teaching. It is ways to increase engagement that inspires learning during content delivery.


Established organizations or systems of belief in and worship of a God shaped by culture, traditions, customs, and rituals.

Scriptures & Sacred Texts

Established written text by Gurus and spiritual teachers of past and present across the world. Ex. Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Quran, Torah etc.

Socio-Emotional Development

One’s emotional awareness, control, expression of self within a society, especially pertaining to creating or maintaining relationships. Relates to emotional intelligence (EQ).


Source intelligence, consciousness, or vitality of God’s creation—illumination of life force energy—oftentimes undetected by physical senses.

Universal Laws

Laws in which the universe follows for its existence and expansion. The understanding of these laws help elevate human consciousness from existing (life happening) to living (making life happen). Universal laws help us be proactive creators of our reality and remind us to take responsibility for our actions with compassion.

Unity Consciousness

Belief that we are one. We are infinite unfolding expressions from one source. “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”― Albert Einstein. Unity consciousness manifests as the sense of oneness, compassion, love, and respect, both for human beings and for nature.